Dear Parents and Swimmers,
We hope you will have a great month! February is the month of love so let’s do something special for our loved ones.
We had a couple of requests from parents wanting to buy equipment from us. If any of you are interested in buying, please let us know by the 1st of March 2019. We will then order the equipment and once it has arrived, advise you accordingly.
The prices are as follows:
Small Kickboards:
30mm – R60
40mm – R65
Big Kickboards:
30mm – R85
40mm – R105
Junior – R75
Senior – R115
Noodles – R145
Goggles which could be used for when you swim in Galas – R100 each. We have limited stock available.
When we have lightning and/or thunder, we have to stop the lessons for everyone’s safety. Our drill is set out in the Contract. We do not cancel a whole session, because sometimes a storm passes over fairly quickly, and we are able to resume after only missing a couple of lessons or so. Other times it can be several hours before we can get back in the water again. We have no way of knowing what the progress will be, but when we resume we will include those swimmers who have been kept waiting, up until normal closing time for the day. You’re welcome to contact us should you require further clarity.
We are planning a Gala practice on Saturday the 23rd of February 2019 at Boksburg North Swimming Pool from 10 am to 11 am. This gala practice is to give your child(ren) exposure to a Gala environment. Kindly RSVP the office by Monday the 18th of February 2019 to enable us to plan our morning accordingly. Please note that each swimmer must pay their own entrance fee, which is in the region of R10 per person.
Thank you for your continued support and for referring your family and friends to us!
Best wishes,
Irene and Noreen