29 June 2020

Dear Parents and Swimmers,

We hope you are well and that you are just as excited as we are about our swimming school opening on the 1st of July 2020.

The Minister Nathi Mthetwa, the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture approved the re-opening of Swimming on Friday the 26th of June 2020.

There are several protocols that needs to be followed to ensure that we all remain safe and healthy during this pandemic. They are listed as follows:

  • Wearing of a facemask on our premises is compulsory, except when you swim. Once you leave the pool, the facemask must be worn again;
  • Parents to remain seated in vehicles;
  • No one will be aloud within the swimming facilities, with exception of the swimmers, teachers and cleaning staff;
  • All swimmers to arrive with their swimming gear on. You will not be allowed to change into your swimming gear before a lesson commences;
  • Ensure that all swimming gear is with you, including towels (as we cannot supply you with it, should you forget to bring your own);
  • When you arrive at the swim school, you will enter through the door at the pool, where your swimming lesson takes place. The appointed compliance officer will be taking your temperature and will be asking the required assessment of possible symptoms. If you do not meet the requirements, we will not allow you to enter our facilities until the symptoms has been addressed by a medical practitioner and we are provided with a letter confirming that you are fit to swim;
  • If any swimmers do have an underlining illness, including asthma we require a medical letter confirming that the swimmer is fit to commence with swimming;
  • The exit will be via the emergency door situated in our changing rooms.

Kindly further take note that you will receive a phone call from Cindy/Noreen in our offices regarding make up lessons as previously communicated to yourselves.

A separate email will be forwarded to our school swimmers’ parents, where we collect, on the way forward.

We thank you for your continued support. Stay safe and ensure you follow the protocols in terms of Covid-19.

Best wishes,

Irene and Noreen