18 March 2020
Dear Parents & Swimmers,
We trust you are doing well and staying healthy.
We stand by our previous communication to you whereby we do not believe that the virus can be transmitted in water. From the research we have done, chlorine as well as the heat of our environment kills the virus.
Please take note of Dr Leong Hoe Nam comments that water and chlorine within swimming pools will help to kill the virus. Further take note that the Contagious Disease Control Department also supports the fact that chlorine kills the virus.
We are however, respectful of your fear in this time and therefore we have made the decision to close for a 2 week period. Our closure is with the understanding that we will make up the 2 weeks lessons in lieu of payment received from you. We are committed to you our client and wish you a healthy 2 weeks.
We have decided to close from Monday, 23rd March, 2020 up to and including the 4th April, 2020.
Kindly note that once the school has re-opened we will make the necessary arrangements for make-up lessons at your convenience.
Please stay safe and take the necessary precautions as requested by our President.
Best wishes, Irene and Noreen