Dear Parents,

Just setting out the arrangements for the end of the year, which will soon be upon us!

Congratulations to Christie who passed her LTS exam. She would be teaching on a Monday and Wednesday evening.

We will close after lessons on Saturday, 9th of December, and re-open on Monday, 8th January, 2018. Please keep to your current days/times unless you have arranged differently with us. Your normal fee is payable for December, and for January. The rates remain the same.

As mentioned in previous Newsletters, if you don’t have a stop order in place for January 2018, please pay your December and January fees together by 9th December to keep your place for next year. If you would like to make a different arrangement, kindly let me know. If you are leaving the Swim School, your November fee is still payable, and we will use your deposit as payment for December, as set out in our Contract.

We’ll be changing the Access Code to the street gate during the holidays. For security, the new code will be sent to you by separate e-mail before we open in 2018.

Thank you to those who supported our Open Day recently, and our Photo Shoot. I’m looking forward to seeing the photos of our beautiful swimmers! My thanks again to Oliver for all his hard work on the day.

When we have lightning and/or thunder, we have to stop the lessons for everyone’s safety. Our drill is set out in the Contract, so I won’t repeat it again here. We do not cancel a whole session, because sometimes a storm passes over fairly quickly, and we are able to resume after only missing a couple of lessons or so. Other times it can be several hours before we can get in the water again. We have no way of knowing what the progress will be, but when we resume we will include those swimmers who have been kept waiting, up until normal finishing time for the day. You’re welcome to contact the office for a current update, we’ll do our best to help you.

My sincere thanks to Cindy, Jeaneth, Johannah, Justine, Khyle, Kirsten, Maphori, Morontshe, Noreen, Piet, Prudence, Sarie, Sienie and Zante for all their hard work this year, also to those of you who have recommended the Swim School to family and friends.

Have a wonderful, restful holiday, take care, especially when travelling, and we look forward to seeing you all again in 2018.

Very best wishes,
Noreen and Irene