Dear Parents and Swimmers,
We hope you are well and that you will be having a healthy winter.
Our annual swimming fee increase will come into effect on the 1st July 2018. We have kept the fee increase as low as possible, but we have to increase the monthly fees as follows for the next twelve months:
- Once Weekly – R370
- Twice Weekly – R615
- Twice Weekly Plus Saturday R1005
- Three times a Week – R925
- Saturday – R450
- Saturday Plus Once During the Week – R695
- Individual Lessons – R235 each (Week rate)
- Individual Lesson – R310 each (Saturday rate)
Please take note that our prices where increased also allows for the 1% Vat price increase which took effect on the 1st of April 2018.
Could we kindly request that you use your reference number with us, when you make your monthly payment. It will assist us in allocating payments correctly.
For hygienic reasons, kindly ensure that your child has their own swimming cap when they attend their swimming lesson.
Thank you for your continued support and we trust you will continue to have a happy and healthy winter.
Best wishes,
Irene and Noreen