11 January 2021
Dear Parents and Swimmers,
Welcome back to all and we trust you will have a fabulous 2021!
Just a reminder regarding the Underwater photographs that will be taken on Sunday the 14th of March 2021.
The photographs are a basic set of 5 prints, 3 different poses, 1 x A4, 1 x 5×7 and 3 postcard prints.
The cost for the set is R320. Should you wish to have a soft copy as well, please contact the office for further information and costings.
Your complete order must be specified and paid for in full by Monday the 8th of March 2021. You can e-mail, sms or What’s App to sign up, to add your child’s name to the list which will be in the enclosure from Monday the 1st of December 2020. Please indicate which date you wish to attend.
A sample photo will be in the changing room from the 1st of December 2020.
You can pay either by cash or EFT. When paying, please mark the payment as photo money, with the name of the swimmer/s. If you EFT it, please also add your account reference number.
We will be allocating timeslots to each swimmer on Monday the 8th of March 2021. Should you have a specific preference, kindly advise us when you sign up. We will do our best to accommodate you.
Should you be unsure of your child’s capability, please check with his/her teacher.
- Adult swimmers are also welcome to join the photo shoot.
Kindly note that we have a limited number of photo’s.
Further take note that when we have lightning and/or thunder, we must stop the lessons for everyone’s safety. Our drill is set out in the Contract, so we won’t repeat it again here. We do not cancel a whole session, because sometimes a storm passes over quickly, and we are able to resume after only missing a couple of lessons or so. Other times it can be several hours before we can get back in the water again. We have no way of knowing what the progress will be, but when we resume we will include those swimmers who have been kept waiting, up until normal closing time for the day. You’re welcome to contact us should you require further clarity.
Thank you for your continued support and for referring your family and friends to us!
Best wishes,
Irene and Noreen